Self Care

My sister and I at Bryn Williams for lunch last week

Darling , you are very good at self care” so mused Chic Eleanor during the interval of Home I’m Darling. The invitation to the theatre had come out of the blue for her  and I sensed had brightened her day considerably.  
I’m getting better at it” I replied and I meant it.
I am better at being kind to myself .
It’s something my counselling course has helped me with I guess.
I’m a character who often wants to be saved. 
I don’t want to use the word victim here, but playing the victim is a legitimate if generally unsuccessful mechanism in coping and learning to be kind and positive with yourself is another. 
One works occasionally the other most of the time if you remain resolute.
It’s not rocket science I guess.
I put myself down for an extra shift at the weekend . 
Another night to cover sickness.
Then I reviewed how I felt.
How I really felt….and realised that I could do without the extra stress of it all.
I have a large counselling essay of 2500 words to get in for the 29th, the launch of the TCA information night is next week and I have to cook a chilli for bugger knows how many on the day.
So I’m not doing the extra shift and I will get my essay plan in order and in between the works stuff I’m 
Going to so see a couple of movies I have earmarked.

Is that’s self care?  Or selfishness?
Answers on a postcard please.

from Going Gently

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