Memorial Windows


Saturday is always a slow blog day.
It when I have my lowest readership and seems to coincide with when I’m working .
I’ve finished night shift this morning. 
It’s dull today with a fine grey Misty rain that soaks you to the skin.
I slept in and subsequently missed the TCA coffee morning.
Bridget texted me with two more orders for the Sponsored Window appeal 

We now have just shy of 1000£ of orders! 
Boffin Cameron has designed a lovely certificate of “sponsorship “ detailing which window has been chosen and in whose name.
I have already printed out the bumf for next Saturday ‘s open day .
My goal is to get firm orders for 50 windows in total next week thats £1500 on the launch .

Apart from that, it will be a slow day 
I have copies of The Banshees of Inidherin and Wakanda Forever to watch later and tomorrow when I’ve got a clear hear I’m writing my assignment .
So I’ve found a clean Walking Dead t shirt , have washed my face and will go out to buy some sushi .
It’s funny that when I was just brushing my teeth I remembered the mirror that I was looking into.
It was my grandmother’s , an Art Deco heavy set mirror that always hung next to the bathroom door.
It’s the only item I have that used to belong to her

And it’s sacred to me.

My own memorial Window of sorts 

Mary Helena Fry
1900- 1983

from Going Gently

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