
I stumbled across this drone footage within YouTube. There's no music or commentary. The imagery was collected on Easter Sunday 2019 by a drone user who is clearly experimenting with his new toy.

It caught my attention because the drone is looking down upon the very East Yorkshire village where I was born and raised.

Back in 1953, the village had less than four hundred inhabitants but its population nowadays is above 2500.

In the footage you see the church where I was christened and where the funeral services of my father, mother and brother Simon where held. You also see a tall house attached the village school. That is where I was born and spent the first sixteen years of my life. At the crossroads you seea white building with a large car park. That is "The Hare and Hounds" public house.

The drone fails to show the canal that connected the village to The River Hull and the outlying farms and lanes that were such a part of my childhood. As you may imagine, it is kind of strange to see my home place from the perspective of a  slightly jittery bird in the sky.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/JXuUHGs

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