Valentines Day Flirt

There were eleven of us in my morning class on line.
The film class was interesting Horror Stereotypes with a heavy biased towards Jamie Lee Curtis
Three of the participants were from the US and one very attractive middle aged man was from New York and was drinking lots of coffee as it was 4.30 am over there.
His name was Richard and he wrote screenplays ( so he told us) 
He had a lovely thick beard, glowing American teeth and academic specs so he looked the part.

He also called out his name in his thick New York brougue ( before anyone else could when asked if we could introduce ourselves ) and added a rather friendly and flirtatious 

And who is that big handsome charmer on the love seat  John Gray?” 

I was flummoxed for a second as I had my second best Herbivore T shirt on as well as a cheap Sainsbury’s green hoodie and hadn’t even washed my face, but I started to preen at the potential prospect of an early morning Valentine’s Day flirt

Then I realised that the American was in fact referring  to Dorothy who was sat on the sofa behind me

from Going Gently

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