
On each of the the days I visited the temple sites around Angkor Wat, I got up early at my hotel on the outskirts of the nearby modern town of Siem Reap. I travelled to "the historical park" in the back of a motorcycle tuktuk. I had the same driver each day and he was at my disposal throughout the day. Nothing seemed too much trouble to him. His name was Savuth.

In this blogpost, rather than focusing on the amazing ruins of the once forgotten city of the Khmers, I am sharing other photos I took in the area. I will leave them small but of course if you wish to enlarge any of the pictures please just click on them:-
Sad girl with coconuts

A home for the living


Girls with calves

Traditional band with a difference.
They were all landmine victims.

Young water buffalo in a muddy pond.

Visiting monks from Thailand

from Yorkshire Pudding

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