The Storyhouse

 My course is set at the university department at a local college. 
It takes 35 minutes to drive there. 
The library Support is great but the coffee is lousy.
The Storyhouse library on the other hand is just 25 minutes from home.
There are no staff, save for the cafe and restaurant people, but the coffee is glorious and is brought to your table.
Guess where I am?

True I’m going to see the film Corsage later, but for the time being I’m enjoying the atmosphere and am pretending to work as I’m half listening to the conversation one of my fellow “ students” is having on the phone. It sounds as though his mother is poorly and is “ not responding “ to treatment. 
He put his head in his hands for a moment and a woman opposite to me lifted her eyes and caught my gaze for a fraction of a moment.
Frank Sinatra is playing softly and a couple of old men are playing chess on a nearby table.
I read about the advantages of goal setting, but I found myself watching another couple who had just met on their table and who were chatting loudly , another girl on my table sighed loudly and muttered “ Bollocks” as she typed angrily at her laptop. 
I ordered some Lebanese chicken and pitta for lunch and made notes, 
The room sounded restless , like an audience does before a play and all my table mates pretended not to watch when my lunch arrived. 
It tasted divine , full of spice and lemon and with salad leaves which I ate with my fingers
I checked my T shirt 
Good no yogurt down it yet…. 

I wrote around a page of notes before a gaggle of mums and babies in strollers marched through to the public space in the foyer. One of the old men playing chess shook his read at the noise.
I don’t mind their chatter as my film is almost ready
I always slightly feel that I’m on holiday in the Storyhouse
I get up and a man with a paper and a glass of red , takes my place

from Going Gently

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