Saturday Morning

 Slightly less blustery today. For days you could see the white waves whipping the sea from five miles inland and Trelawnyd seemed to have hunkered down against the Gop as one dark day merged into another.
I’ve started Prince Harry’s “ Spare” and minutes into it, you know you are are listening to a damaged soul, so much so that I’ve stopped reading it today. I will catch up with it in a day or so . 
So it’s a non Saturday. Work later. Sleep in the afternoon.
I’ve put on Classic Fm , but only very quietly. 
I can still hear the wind in the graveyard trees and the tick of the kitchen clock.

I had a Chinese life reading the other day 
Thanks to my Friends in Korea.

Apparently my power is at its highest this year and 2023 will be a significant year all told. I have two fires which is rare and have high pride, a big gentle heart and I have a sublime white horse in my heart which means I long for an ideal work no one else will see.
I like dopamine fixes of sex and alcohol and I have a good voice with excellent expression and although I’m good at singing I have weak lungs …..( which it oddly true) 
I have a pure heart and am attracted to people who will look after me
“the clear water cannot sustain fish” means I am straight talking and popular but people may be jealous of me and will scratch my personality …go figure…..there were pages of reflections and thoughts all pretty accurate I must say 
It also underlined the need for routine, which I get…….totally
It was incredibly interesting and indeed hopeful …2023 may feel more positive 

I will leave you with two videos both fascinating  and both incredibly moving in different ways

from Going Gently

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