Quiet Time

 Sometimes it’s nice to be away from the dogs.
Life is like a permanent kindergarten visit when they are always about.
Constant neediness, noise, motion and squabbles.
And of course, those are the very reasons I have them,
But just occasionally they can be exhausting and occasionally you have the need for silence 
Total silence without burbs, farts, itches and barks.

And I went to sit in the churchyard for a while
Where it was cold and quiet with only the chirp of hedge sparrows for company.
I wrote this blog in my head as I sat there. 
I’m having a grown up day today, which means that I’m going out to dinner with my friend Colin. 
It was his birthday a few days ago and he was fed up  at being alone on a work night, so I’m taking him out to dinner in Chester and will wear something ironed.

For the past few weeks have been exploring the knotty subject of self awareness in college and have been using the concept of the Johari Window in the look at self which is an interesting  if not a bit clumsy psychological  romp in itself. It’s always interesting to see yourself as others see you, especially when there is a real  I see moment to be had.
I’m not good in asking for things I want off people 
It’s a fear of rejection that takes precedence 
But I’m getting better at it
We are all a work in progress 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/tNqD3pg

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