
The old Haxey Gate Bridge

Well I have just got home from the Sunday night pub quiz up at "The Hammer and Pincers" and you will be pleased to learn that for the second week running we were the highest scorers and therefore took all the loot. It's a nice feeling when your general knowledge and your hunches hit the mark. Once again we scored twenty three out of twenty five.

I have had four pints of Stones bitter tonight and so my brain is now slightly addled. How can you expect me to compose a cogent blogpost? Instead, I will simply reveal a few  more of yesterday's photo-images for your interest.

In other news, our darling Phoebe came to see us this afternoon but she was not her usual lively and mischievous self.  She normally wolfs down the little Sunday dinner I have prepared for her but today she just wasn't interested.- the reason being that on Friday afternoon she received the chickenpox vaccine and is now experiencing adverse effects. She just wasn't herself and spent a good amount of time in her grandmother's arms. Grandpa was out of the equation. We are hoping she will be greatly improved after a nice, long sleep. It seems that many small children have no after effects but for a few the chicken pox vaccine causes short term health issues.

Abandoned Langholme Manor

Track by The River Idle's embankment

from Yorkshire Pudding

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