Just Listen


It was a quiet evening 
Dark and somewhat wintery.
I’d lit the fire early and had hunkered down for the night
And there was a tap at the kitchen window.
The dogs were up and barking as one, and as they hurled themselves into the kitchen, I slipped through the front door and into the rain to catch one of the villagers in the lane
Only a villager would know to knock on the lane window .

It was a lady from Trelawnyd who I know well and she gave me a bunch of tulips.
“What are those for ? “ I asked but I kind of already knew the answer

They were a thank you for an interaction a day or so previous.
In my mind I hadn’t done anything as all,
I just listened 
I listened to a problem that needed verbalising 
I listened without trying to solve it
I just listened.
No big deal in the scheme of things 
But big enough for this one person to want to thank me with some tulips on a wet, dark night 

The tulips were a sign , not only of thanks ( which were gracefully received) but a sign of how much pain and upset was around at the time, pain and upset that could be salved, in part,by a little time and some empathy. 

We can all listen and empathise a little more, can we not?
Even if we are hurting, or tired, or kind of sad
We Just need to remind ourselves not to run inside if it’s cold , or run away if the conversation takes a turn you didn’t expect. 

Tulips won’t arrive every time.
But you will know 
That  you’ve done the right thing, at the right time
For a person who needed you.

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/s4aWAod

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