

I’m sat in the living room alone.
The dogs ( well mainly Mary ) have been reprimanded severely after a surprise attack on the bantam cockerel who was trying to fill up on cat food and bread which I’d put out for him in the snow. 
Instinct took over and Mary was up the garden dragging the poor bird which was screaming at the top of its lungs, as the others piled in to help. Luckily I managed to separate bird from bitch amid a cloud of feathers, but the damage may have been done.
Chickens , especially lone ones often do badly after an attack. 
I left him the remains of the cat food and then made coffee silently in the kitchen. 
Dogs know when you are angry at them and hate being ignored. Non of them could look at me when I came into the living room 
Best to let them stew for a while. 

I’ve been studying the relationships between the Greek Royal family and the other European royals and have found it fascinating. The scenes where Crown Prince Pavlos and his mother Queen Anne-Marie of Greece thanked the crowds for their spontaneous cheers of support for the late King Constantine II were incredibly moving and I’ve enjoyed the subsequent who came from where? puzzle which has various country Royals related to another and all meeting up at what is essentially an extended family funeral.

I’m not doing much today . There is more snow forecasted , and so I will do some laundry, make a rich bolognese sauce and will start bringing together a new webpage for the Trelawnyd Community Association.
Ive just collected handfuls of chicken feathers from the back garden too 

from Going Gently

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