
 I took Roger for his first vet visit today with Dorothy in support. 
He was a delight in the waiting room and just watched everyone silently with his tail wagging oh so slowly.
Dorothy clattered her big paws on the vinyl flooring and woofed her baby woof at a parrot in a cage on the reception desk 
and everyone laughed 
The vet thought Roger was one of the best Welsh terriers he had ever seen and when he brought in his boss to give him the once over I beamed like proud dad on parents day.
“ A nice dog “ the senior partner said lifting Roger’s head with a finger under his jaw and he looked at the computer screen on the treatment room table with a smirk .
“ You are Albert’s owner I see” he commented “ is he still with us ?” 
I told them yes and the older vet laughed “ That cat is one of the most aggressive Toms I have ever treated in 35 years……he’s a real bruiser ! “ 
“ Have you a warning on his records ? “ I asked pointing at the console 
“ Yes’s all in bold” the vet quipped “ use protective gloves at all times” he read out and I could see the comment was followed by three exclamation marks 

I suddenly felt a little less pet proud.

from Going Gently

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