Book Club


Our Book club is a new one, a spin off of an original 2005 club who has been going strong .
I was first into the meeting room, closely followed by a friendly forty something South African Asian chap called Faisal who I liked immediately because he shook my hand, had a big smile and the fact that his dog had ripped apart his book of the month. I showed him my phone case which Roger has chewed only five hours previously, and he nodded knowingly.
I think we are going to be firm friends 
The rest of the group by chance had all met in the foyer with Alison ,our bubbly facilitator and found their seats some ten minutes later.
The demographic was much younger and varied than I expected . Out of twenty of us , two thirds were in their twenties and half of those described themselves with the pronoun of “ they” . Apart from Alison there were just three older group members, including myself and so the energy in the room was different than I expected. 
One young person dominated the conversation, but I enjoyed listening to the discussions, having not fully read the book of choice. 
I’ll go again.

from Going Gently

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