Xmas Eve

 For the first year ever, I’ve not strung Christmas Cards around the front room. Due to the postal strikes and the cost of stamps I have received noticeably fewer cards than usual .Trendy Carol ( presently sporting a nice anorak with fur trim) noticed and has already commented that she had noticed their absence .
“I always liked seeing them “ she said 
No chance of getting any cards now , the strike is on again….no message from the postie on Facebook this week….hummmm
Yesterday I popped my gifts around for the neighbours . Some ham and satsumas for Animal Helper Pat.
A bottle of Châteauneuf du Pape for Sailor John and Mandy and a food hamper for Trendy Carol and her hubby. Mrs Trellis was out when I called around with her gift. I’ll pop it in later today, 
Apart from stopping off at Tesco on the way home after nights I have little planned for today.
I’ve got a zoom meeting with friends Ruth in Scotland and Ben in Korea and a few drinks earmarked with villager Della at 2 pm. I’m not a lover a drinking in the day.
It makes me sleep.
Then it’s light the fire, walk the dogs until they flag ( or at least loose some labido ) and mooch in front of Christmas tv with a gin and tonic and my phone and lots of texting
Pretty Bog Standard really.. I guess.
I will leave you with Omaha Cat Lady being……well kind
It’s very Christmas 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/YfRemCd

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