Sex at Bwthyn Y Llan

 Bwthyn y Llan has never been a hot bed of sin to be sure.
Ok, I’ve had my moments, this is true, but Don Juan is not a nickname the neighbours have or will ever give me.
I’ve booked Roger in for his castration in January and after a couple of years of barren wilderness 
Dorothy is now suddenly  in full season. 
Subsequently Roger has become a panting, blob of hairy jelly and Dorothy has suddenly morphed into Rita Hayworth in Gilda.
The air is electric , and filled with eager panting and lots of come hither looks. 
It’s like a soft pot video with 12 nipples and fur.
I met my sister in law for lunch today at Bryn Williams and took Roger with me . He sulked like a teen and only perked up when walking back to the cottage to see Dorothy flashing her toilet parts at him through the cat flap with a lascivious look on her face

from Going Gently

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