Shouting Into The Wind

 Trendy Carol and husband Ewan took the dogs this morning so I could spend 5 hours in the library .
I have a college presentation to prepare for and Google slides baffle me to the point of extinction.

I was surrounded by 20 year olds, most with headphones and ear buds in . 

Kids making their way forward in an uncertain world. 
I got stuck inserting photos on my last slide 
It was a slide that was suggesting what moral quality I thought I possessed which could be linked to the BACP ( British Association for Counselling and psychotherapy ) ethical framework. 
For better or worse I chose wisdom and I attempted to illustrate with various photos…of me looking old ( and therefore wise?) a photo of Winnie looking thoughtful, me in PPE looking like a pig in a condom
And a photo of a little Mongolian girl yelling joyously into the wind 
( I was going to use it as a metaphor for not peeing into the wind …hence wise….but ok I know the link was weak) 
Like I said I got stuck using the software so looked around for someone to help me. 
The librarian had already pissed me off for telling me it was bottled beverages ONLY and her halitosis was striking even a yard away, so I asked the young chap in a beanie hat on the next computer if he could help.
Bless him
He was gauche and shy but soon sorted my slides out with his long white fingers , and was kind enough to centre the text up too
He loved the photo of the Mongolian girl and of Winnie too and asked me what I was studying 
“Ahhh counselling ! “ he repeated, “ Ive had that at school… I was very depressed when I was eleven”
He looked like a child now, I thought , so bugger only knows what he looked like when he was eleven .
“ It helped” he said cheerfully before moving back to his desk with a wave

Suddenly I felt happy that it did.

from Going Gently

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