Pee Stains On The Landing


Old Albert has been having accidents fairly regularly now
I think his “ thinking” has changed a little…some organic changes perhaps 
He’s clingy and reluctant to go outside. 
He paces the house and is awake on the bed at night when he used to patrol the garden.
I’ve tested his wee stains no sign of infection.
I’ll buy a litter tray on Saturday 
In the meantime I’ve got a carpet cleaner.
I looked at the old boy this morning before leaving for work.
And my heart ached for him just a little 

He was sitting on the window sill , his deformed leg bent painfully to one side. 
Waiting for his breakfast .
He’s been a constant here for fourteen years
A best supporting actor to the leading dog actresses 

They break your heart don’t they?

from Going Gently

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