
 Don’t you hate that anticlimactic feeling a busy, productive and enjoyable 24 hours often leaves you with.
I feel a bit like that today
So much so, that I’ve trolled through Walking Dead tiktok videos at the kitchen table until my bucket of coffee grew cold and the chill from the wet winter sun has seeped through the cottage’s 18 inch walls.

I need to make a move..
Affable Despot Jason has just texted , incredulous that his eldest daughter is 17 tomorrow. I hope to see him later at the village Casino night. 
Old Trev is home now. I’ve just been round to check on him and he tried to impress me by marching around the living room doing knee lifts to show how fit he was.
I hope I show as much chutzpah if I ever get to 98

My fridge is more or less empty. 
I rooted through the deep freeze and found some garlic breaded mushrooms which I cooked in the air fryer.
I’m eating them for breakfast
Leo has just texted me too. He’s planning to see four films in one day today ( he wanted to beat my previous record of three when I was in Sheffield) 
Uncle John, you will note that I’m going to see SHE SAID, which is, I think an important film to see”
She said is the filmed account how two female journalists investigated Harvey Weinstein and is one off my radar list….I think Leo is right …I will go and see it tomorrow afternoon.

Roger is winding Dorothy up.
He’s staring at her and is employing “ the slow tail wag” in order to intimidate her.
She’s growling under her breath as she knows I won’t allow her to initiate a fight 

It’s too cold to sit at the table any longer
I’ve wasted two hours already

from Going Gently

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