Early Morning

 A frost, the first of the year this morning.
I’m sat at the kitchen table with the bucket of coffee at 5,45 am
And I’m shivering in my uniform 
It’s on mornings like these ( all too few in these global warming days I must admit) that I adore my new bathroom.
A boiling hot shower sets you up for the day
And chases away bad dreams, old memories and everyday worries
Winter is well and truly here
Early dark nights 
Comfort food ( a tin of chip shop curry with mini roast potatoes last night ) 
I’ve had to change Albert’s feeding place as I caught Roger standing on tip toe on the arm of the reading chair  carefully licking his bowl on the window ledge.
Now I know why he has the shits! 
Hey ho

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/xDBzwuk

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