
 I’m sat in X-ray waiting for my appointment . 
I’m fifteen minutes early.
I’m early for everything I do.
I’m very seldom late.

I was musing about this fact only the other day. 
And now being early is a long term friendship joke.
When I’m off to the train out of London at say 7 am, Nu will often say that I’m catching the afternoon train home.
She knows me well.

I know myself very well too.
For this abhorrence for lateness comes from the constant and low level anxieties a child has when going to school.
As young twins, my sister and I were taken to school by my father, who was notoriously bad tempered in a morning. He was also slightly lazy and would not be hurried by school rules so every morning we suffered from anxieties bordering on abusive levels when trying not to chivvy him into snapping but balancing prudent silence against encouragement to get through the school gates on time. 
That constant, low level anxiety shaped a need to be always on time if not early.

It’s not rocket science 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/4JOwhuG

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