Lovely Linda and Meaty Farts


I’m not banging on about being busy
But I’m busy.
I’m on a two day training course and it’s college night tomorrow 
I’ve just finished nights as well,
And they were busy too.
I got home all in a rush, and after dog walking, cat feeding and the like took a few minutes respite and let Dorothy give my feet a jolly good licking
It was Delightful! 
Now when she’s on a good one, Dorothy can slobber over my bunions for a good half hour, during which she has a particularly odious habit of farting rather heavily. 
I think it’s a gastrocolic reflex, like a baby sucking a bottle.
And It’s only a small price to pay, to be sure
But today I wasn’t banking on the velvet voiced Linda knocking on the door wanting to organise a community council meeting just as Dorothy was in mid lickn’fart
I let her in before I realised that not only my feet were covered in slobber, but that the cottage smelled of the meatiest of farts….and boy are we talking meaty.!
I was mortified .
Blaming Dorothy seemed like the most obvious of ruses 
So I said nothing and hoped she wouldn’t notice
Linda was as gracious and as smiley as always 

But I noticed that she didn’t stay long

from Going Gently

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