
 Roger has a sore ear which he’s been scratching too much, (he’s presently asleep sat up on my lap)
I’m worried about money as a mortgage rise is on the cards 
I’ve put myself down for some extra shifts .
The new washing machine is playing up too and I fucking forgot to activate the warranty 
Bluebell has her MOT and service tomorrow 
On a positive note
I’ve cracked Google classroom.
I’ve got in two hours of study today and yesterday 
I’ve lost 5 lbs this week 
And the noise from effin Charley, the loud mouthed Yorkshire terrier from next door has suddenly been at a minimum recently.
I wonder if he’s passed away
Is it bad of me to say that I hope he has? 

A little bad
A little good 

Normal, boring life I guess 

Roger , collapsed as I watched a recorded bake off

from Going Gently

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