Buteo Buteo

 I was content to let the previous, rather lazy post suffice for the day.
Nothing has much happened, so there’s nothing to report.
But I’ve just been for a walk with Mary, who has been a little under the weather today, and I needed to share something, like you do when something quite profound, or beautiful or both has just happened.

We walked down the lane to Graham The Shepherd’s gate. His fields lead off to the West and the dusk sky was still clear against the silhouettes of the hawthorn hedges and trees and fences. 
It was cold and fresh and sat at the very top of the dead Ash tree , the one that always dominates the skyline sat a lone buzzard. 
He was crying out like buzzards do.
A strange mixture of cat call mew and squawk…a keey ya! 
Sharp and plaintive 
A lonely call in the darkening dusk.
I picked Mary up and she rested her feet on the top rung of the gate and she watched and listened as Welsh Terriers do and I could feel the thump of her heart against my chest as it raced to the cry of the buzzard as  it continued to call in the dark.
A moving rather  beautiful and simple little moment,
Caught by accident on a Friday evening

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/1QpKbhT

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