With A Hint Of Orange

I’ve been busy today
Well I say busy…. I’ve been pottering
I’ve just come back after a walk and ate a sandwich on the way home whilst listening to The Archers.
I missed the Linda Snell/ Justin Elliot scene as Dorothy was barking too much.
Today I’ve finished painted my upstairs landing. I didn’t photograph my work because the landing is just too small.
It’s a gentle yellow with a new lampshade to match. 
William’s bum marks have now been painted over on the bedroom door corner where he used to enjoy himself so much
( for those few that don’t know, William was a welsh terrier and not a disgusting ex boyfriend) 
Hey ho.
My friend Neil , rang me to share that Sainsbury’s had orange glasses at a special offer price 
So I popped down and bought the last one. 
My black and white bathroom , has now been filled with accents of orange.
Too much? 
I’m not sure.

As I was painting Roger enjoyed himself in the garden with Albert . They didn’t play as Albert used to do with Winifred .They just watched each other , daring each other to move first. 
After Albert finally tired, I gave Roger a pink lady apple to chew on.
I’ve lit the fire again tonight. 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/OYrUZ1a

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