Dreary Day


What a difference a day makes.
The weather is miserable, it’s wet and very damp and the dogs are restless.
Dorothy woke me up at 7 am- gently occluding my airway with her throat until I woke up…it works like a dream.
I’ve walked them now twice in the rain, shopped bought a new back door handle ( it broke last night in Trendy Carol’s husband’s hand) and cleaned the cottage . 
By the time I’d bleached the kitchen floor and hung damp washing next to the thermal store it was almost two in the afternoon and I’ve decided to do no more.
Feet are up on the couch 
A Victorian thriller on the tv.

I’ve heard we have a Ukrainian family living in the village . They have children in the school. It would be nice to meet them and say hello. There is a coffee morning on Saturday on in the hall they may well be going to , but I’m working 

The interest rates have gone up today. 
I’ve held off lighting the fire until later
I’ve put a jumper on

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/MTo7Nvz

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