Balancing The Books

 It’s autumn and with yesterday all done and dusted the passing into another season feels so much more poignant. 
I’ve dug out jumpers and made pea and mint soup this morning and walked the dogs at 7.30 am when it felt cold and quiet and darker than I expected. 
And the day has an anticlimactic feel to it, which is exactly what I didn’t want to happen
And so I’ve taken my coffee upstairs and opened the office again.
Roger is happy in the kitchen, where I have hidden tiny bits of dry bagel around his bedding and under the table . He is happily searching for crumbs with satisfied nom noms when one is found.
Mary is asleep on the reading chair.
I am behind on paperwork today. 
Of looking at the bills,
Of checking for the best deals, of balancing the books.
There are other things that need sorting too. 
Online mandatory training for work, the Village Pond open day 
Updating the village website
Organising a meal here for my family ( it’s been over 5 years since I hosted anything) 
A super dinner party for friends, promised and overdue.
My friend Nigel hasn’t visited for a few years too, he needs a date to come over

I haven’t made lists in ages. 
Spare time is wasted on tiktok, YouTube, day dreaming, going out!
I need to make one today.
The filofax is ready.

I feel I need to be worried more about money too
The electricity bills need checking
Bloody hell the website says I’m 700 quid in credit ! 
There’s a turn up for the books! 
Shit, I’ve just remembered Bluebell needs an MOT and service 
Bollocks I need to get dog wormer too! 

11 am and 16 things ticked off so far
Just 15 bigger things to do

from Going Gently

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