Told Off

 Mrs Trellis told me off this morning for watering the planters in the heat of late morning.
I apologised but told her as I was going to London today it was the only time I could do so.

She pursed her lips 
“ Another holiday? She asked.
I knew she was pissed at me, I can always read the signs now 
She has vocalised before that sometimes I leave the dogs too often with Trendy Carol and her hubby
I reminded her that I was only away overnight
A treat for my birthday.
She pulled the brim of  her white laced sun hat down and walked on with a warning “ Keep out of the sun”
The girls down at Trendy Carol’s barked their welcome at the garden gate and she stopped to coo at them

I hate being in Mrs Trellis’ bad books
It’s like being told off by a favourite aunt
She reminds me of Calpurnia, Atticus Finch’s housekeeper in some ways

 “She’s a faithful member of this family and you’ll simply have to accept things the way they are...Besides, I don’t think the children have suffered one bit from her having brought them up. If anything, she’s been harder on them in some ways than a mother would have been… she’s never let them get away with anything”

I took her advice and dressed in shorts and T shirt I’m sat on the train southwards. Apparently it’s 90 degrees in the capital so shorts will have to do for the Theatre 
I’m not staying with Nu in West London but have booked the Z Hotel in Covent Garden
I need to be back home earlyish tomorrow as there’s a meeting about the village pond I promised to go to

from Going Gently

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