Roger Update

Roger is doing well 
Of course he is, he’s an affable fellow with no edge to him at all.
Within a day Albert and he had an understanding and apart from the occasional botty lick they have left each other alone. 
Mary as expected is his pal of sorts and has already “ taught” him to walk on a lead and feel relaxed in the car. They sleep together in the kitchen she on the reading chair, him in his crate.
I’ve had peaceful nights because of it.
Surprisingly, the Diva Dorothy has been patient so far. Lots of growls and moans when he comes too near but nothing followed through as Roger just doesn’t react to her warnings. 
He skips past her like a 50 s schoolgirl, gauche and a bit clumsy,
oblivious to any upset or slight he may of caused.
Think Joyce Grenfell in St Trinians 

from Going Gently

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