
This is a nice old video. 
William, old Winnie and George have long gone leaving Mary as matriarch with the ever neurotic Dorothy  as back up but it’s important to remind myself that the new Puppy will find his way, like his predecessors did, with the help of Swedish meatballs and some continuity of care.

I’m a firm believer of succession planning when it comes to dogs. Having one in back up never dulls the pain of losing an older dog, it just makes is tolerable. 
Dogs also do better in a larger group, I always think. They become more reliant on each other and less reliant on you , which makes the whole pack stronger and more adaptable to change
Mary and Dorothy need a male dog’s presence. 
They spark off each other too much with Dorothy’s blind love for me dominating the pecking order a little too aggressively. 
Winnie, was the calming voice in the pack. 
Now it will be hopefully up to Roger who,
I hope , when older , will be able to step up to the mark and control the girls.

I’ve always, always wanted a dog called Roger.
In fact I really don’t know where the name  Finlay , came from, when my first Welsh terrier arrived .
Roger was always going to be his name

Roger was Gerald Durrell’s first dog and his first friend. 
He was the constant supporting actor in Durrell’s My Family And Other Animals and Birds Beasts and Relatives and The Garden Of The Gods and followed his ten year old master all over the island of Corfu

What was your childhood dog called?

from Going Gently

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