Buggery Bollocks

 I’m writing this at work.
No I wasn’t expecting to work last tonight either! 
I arranged to meet up with a friend and make supper, so as the fish pie was browning nicely in the oven and a nice white was chilling in the fridge I was surprised by a phone call from work .
I failed to notice it was at 7.30 pm, the start time for night duty .
A month ago I have volunteered to cover a night duty without a second R./N on duty
I’d totally forgotten about it
Supper wasn’t scheduled until 8 pm so I did the dash of shame , dropped off the wine and dinner at my guest’s house with profuse apologies before driving to work a good hour and a half late.

Bollocks, bugger bollocks 

Any dinner party disasters out there? 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/9lt1B8V

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