No Chatter

It’s warm, almost hot again today but with a breeze.
I’m happy to be alone today. 
I don’t want to chat or talk.
I have spoken to Gorgeous Dave and have finalised arrangements for tomorrow. 
Out of all of my friends he’s probably the most easy going so things will be fine.
Apart from him, I don’t really want to talk to anyone else.
I walked the dogs early when it was cooler and picked up my antibiotic prescription . 
But I was happy to return home. Dorothy is sleeping on the back patio . Mary is dozing in the front window, with one eye out for flying insects, things she most obsessed with .
From time to time, I can here the snap of her jaws as she tries to pluck a bluebottle from its flight. 

I’ve got paperwork to do, the lawn needs a cut and I’m going to play with my sister’s birthday pressie , the   Concertinaed garden hose, as the flower beds are so dry. 
But apart from that I’m just going to potte.
All is ok with the world 

As long as no one wants to chatter

from Going Gently

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