Bonnie ……

I’ve booked to fly to the Highlands of Scotland on Friday. 
I’ve got cheap ( and hopefully working ) tickets to Inverness 
I’m catching up with my hospice friend Ruth , who has gone to the Highlands in order to heal after the death of her mother. She has returned to a sort of commune community who share farming allotments and poly tunnel food and produce. 
I am welcome to join her in her lovely forest hidden caravan if I help out with work
A duck to water , I thought. 

Yesterday a rather lovely troll suggested that my itchy feet was infact a nail in my marriage’s coffin which seemed a bizarre suggestion for sure. 
I think my steadiness was a factor if the truth be known . 
Steadiness can be boring, I understand that 
Steady and strong for some…..boring for others
So when I get my itchy feet from now on
I intend to scratch them both .

And so it’s Scotland next week then Rome. In August it’s Ireland and London and in September it’s Barcelona and  London again  .I’ve also got Berlin to fit in with my friend Jane before winter too …..
Christmas I’m thinking of doing something different too……

Next week I have the interview for my counselling course and in three weeks I go part time….

I feel like a mole sat in front of an open fridge door…..At midnight 

I’m blinking hard 

from Going Gently

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