When You Believe…let’s move on

Let’s move on 

I’m a sucker for a big finish ….
Ohhh err missus 
Mave and flis say nothing 

This song  is the best thing from the rather dire musical Prince Of Egypt 
The girl singing in Hebrew is delightful 

I’d love to sing it in choir ….
It would give us shivers 
I play it loud in the kitchen often , especially when next door’s Charlie is yapping

I’ve had to cancel choir for tomorrow night 😥 …I have to re swab on Thursday 

Today  was an odd day because I spent most of it at home. 
I’ve not spent much time alongside CBM but he has spent his working day working hard and singing hits from the 1980s which I found rather endearing.
I spent the day keeping out of his way.
I cleaned bluebell, cut the lawn, locked myself in my bedroom and cleaned every inch of it, before rearranging the inside of kitchen cabinets.fridge and attic store.
Mrs Trellis stopped and we had a long distanced chat about the church. She has been a lady of letters recently and has been complaining bitterly at its closure. 
She wants to know what the Church is going to do with the historic and village centric items from inside the building, especially the war memorial and the famous I am painting .
She also told me that she had voted for me in the community council elections and was surprised that I wasn’t successful 
I informed her out of the six new entrant nominees three had managed to get onto the council thus balancing it out nicely. It was never our expectation that all six would get in over the old guard.
Mrs Trellis’ eyes went wide
Suddenly understanding the extent of our attempted “coup”
The gang of six has been the centre of much village gossip for a few weeks now
Tee hee.

Oh btw Chic Eleanor ( right) and her sister are in Peru doing a sponsored bike ride for the Alzheimer’s association ….chic by name, chi by nature x

Ps the bathroom looks LOVELY 
It may be finished by Friday 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/rkshBAl

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