Tender Heart

I didn’t finish choir tonight. 
I was stood next to the village hall’s burning hot radiator and it set me coughing my post covid cough and made me feel quite faint.
We had finished the tricky Tender Heart so I sat outside listening to the singing before coming home. 
I only missed 20 minutes.
Heulwen called in this evening to check if I was ok. 
I had told fellow bass Brian I was taking some air but I’d forgotten he’s deaf in his right ear.

I bought a hydrangea and some bedding plants for Trendy Carol today as a thank you for dog sitting.
Tomorrow I’ve booked a ticket to see Benediction 
CBM measured the patio dimensions and will give me a quote for the new roof.
He liked how I’ve titivated the bathroom


from Going Gently https://ift.tt/rclMnyB

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