Flower Moon

 The present routine continues for another day
Up at 7.45 am walk the dogs briefly then put them in the car with the windows wide open.
Make CBM a coffee and have it ready for him as he walks through the door at 8.20 am
Take dogs for a long walk.

Park in the shade at Sainsbury’s and have breakfast with a large bucket of coffee.
Read the Daily Post from cover to cover 
Drive home and drop the girls off at Trendy Carol’s 
Mull over what to do.

With the bathroom and covid I’ve not planned for much and I’m feeling a bit lost today. 
It’s a glorious day and there’s a food festival in nearby Rhuddlan and a bee festival in pretty Llanasa but I can’t quite get going enough to go. 
I haven’t had a shower since Saturday so I think that has something to do with it.

And so I’ve clambered  over the workman’s tools and have holed up in the office surrounded by towels and toiletries and bathroom shite. 
Here I will catch up with paperwork, emails , banking and bills. 

I’m feeling on edge and unsettled . 
As if I’m waiting for something big to happen.
My online thought for the day tells me I’m upset because of the Flower Moon which is expected tomorrow evening. 
Flower Moon’s,  according to the Algonquin people, bring with them change and a fork in the road for many.
A change for the better…..

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/mHbdvJV

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