Chairs and Carpets


I was late home tonight.
I witnessed a road accident in Colwyn Bay and stopped to help.
The girl was ok in the bashed mini but I had quite a lot of blood on my hands from a laceration on her knuckles 
She told me I looked like her dad as we waited for the police 
She was in shock 

I needed the last of my Christmas gin when I got home.
The bats were out in force in the lane as the dogs returned 
My friend Nigel sent an email about his birthday gift to me 
We have the same birthday 
Under his message was one from a furniture company 
I bought a chair from them  a few months ago and they cheerfully told me that it should be delivered tomorrow
A friend had a similar one and I loved the way it felt when I sat in it 
I’m a sucker for nice chairs 

Just the living room carpet to change,
I’ve toyed with a hardwood floor
But you bloody well  can’t have slippy floors with bulldogs around……

They just can’t fucking corner

from Going Gently

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