Birthday Garden

 The removal and subject of masks in Wales has ruffled a few feathers since yesterday and last night I received a few messages ( mainly from nurse friends who are totally opposed to the legislation) I’ve reflected on it and feel ok with the decision , especially from a hospice’s perspective.

If I was a nurse in the acute sector, I would keep my mask on

Throughout the pandemic our hospice was the only healthcare facility I know, that remained open to visitors. We had to maintain a strict policy, regarding numbers and track and trace and PPE but every patient who was at the end of their life, could have their loved ones with them to say their goodbyes. 

I visited many family homes when working on the community , where a house was packed with grieving relatives and I had to balance my own safety with the fact that syringe drivers needed changing and patients needed turning.

The taking off of our masks yesterday was almost symbolic. 

The nurses, the doctors, our physio, social worker, community nurses and support workers as well as the admin staff and housekeeper all looked at each other….properly ….and collectively we saw each other smile with our whole faces again…..

Anyhow today is dull…weather wise ….I’m meeting Chic Eleanor for lunch which will brighten the proceedings then I need to catch up with Gorgeous Dave in order to discuss Italy .

It’s choir tonight too.

While I was at work my sister has been beavering away planting the garden borders out, as a birthday gift.

It seems that hundreds of shrubs and flowers have suddenly appeared, including a lovely Japanese acer in a pot. My cousin Karen left me a beautiful yellow rose to incorporate into the design ,

Thank you to people who have sent me cards and unlabelled gifts . I will open them tomorrow before I go to work . My friend Ruth who is in Scotland and Ben in South Korea will be zooming together at 6.30 am over breakfast.

from Going Gently

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