Andra Day - Rise Up

I love this song, obviously inspired by Maya Angelou.
An anthem for keeping

It’s Saturday night and I’ve just had a delightfully hot long shower after work. 
Covered in dogs I’m now watching the 1971 The French Connection and I’ve forgotten just how good it is .but I need to go to bed soon as I’m up in the morning 
I can’t wait to go part time. Only a month or so to go.
It’s almost dusk and a man is shooting rabbits in the field with a powerful air rifle 
I can’t find Albert in the cottage so I’ve just called over for him to be careful as Albert too is hunting rabbits.
The man didn’t look pleased
I didn’t care.
For Albert limped up out of the grass when he heard my voice .
Mrs Trellis left a phone message worried about the war memorial inside the Church 
My elder sister messaged asking what I wanted for my birthday
I asked for a super king sized lightweight duvet 

Another two friends have messaged me but I’m tired so I promised myself to answer them tomorrow night ….I ate some cold sushi rice with chicken then  drank a gin and tonic on the patio before returning to Gene Hackman 
It’s almost dark 
And the pipistrelle bats are roaring up and down the lane like a Top Gun video with Mary watching them as though she’s sat at Wimbledon 

from Going Gently

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