SQUID GAME …Grandmother’s Footsteps

On nights, When I am sleeping during the day, I am overseen and carefully monitored by Dorothy.
She will lie with her back against mine facing the door and there is method in her slightly obsessive madness as from that position she can maintain her top dog status with Mary and the ever more slightly cropped Albert.
For as I am happily snoring my best ( Poor Alex….less said about that the better) the animals embark on a strange game of Grandmother’s Footsteps.
The game is started as soon as Mary or Albert realise that I have gone to bed. One or both will then gallop up the stairs and will jump into the foot of the bed.
Then Dorothy will let out a low rumbling growl
She is staking her claim.
To stop any escalation of hostilities Mary and Albert have learned to freeze exactly where they land, and by doing so Dorothy will stop her growling. 
This tableau remains unchanged until Dorothy closes her eyes  thus allowing Welsh Terrier and cat to move another millimetre until the growling starts up again.
I’ve pieced the “ game” together now after several aborted efforts to sleep over the past two years 
And know that the growling and mini movements will continue until all animals are within a knat’s Crotchet of my body and peace reigns.

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/IPVKZel

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