
During the hours of darkness, it used to be the case that towns and cities in Great Britain were illuminated by low pressure sodium lamps. They created a strange orangey glow in the sky that could be seen from miles around and impaired viewing of the heavens above.

Five or six years ago, Sheffield City Council began to remove sodium streetlighting, opting instead for LED lighting. Now it is pretty much citywide. This project was undertaken for two main reasons. Firstly, LED lighting is kinder to the planet as LED bulbs use significantly less electricity than sodium lamps. Secondly, the quality of light produced by LED bulbs is more natural, closer to daylight, reducing accidents on urban roads and pavements (American: "sidewalks").

At this time of year, many of Sheffield's street trees are in full blossom, waiting for a big wind to blow the petals away as bees and other pollinators work as quickly as they can to maximise fertilisation. Sadly, the gaudy display of blossom rarely lasts for long.

Last night, just before bedtime, I noticed a blooming cherry tree near our house captured in the white LED street light and made a mental note to remember to go out and photograph it tonight. Of course, this is also the night when we greet April's full moon but at the time I took these pictures, it had still not appeared above the rooftops.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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