

I met my friend Ruth for breakfast this morning before she takes a leave of absence from work.
She is going to Northern Scotland for a few months to work in a community collective . Work on allotments and gardens for room and board .
She is grieving and needs to heal 
I shall miss her but her choice to go is a wise one.
We all need time to recuperate when we are emotionally damaged 
So many of us ignore  the danger signals and soldier on regardless .
And that often helps no one. 
I hope she returns.

I hate goodbyes
Always have
I once took Nu to the airport, many moons ago now, when she was leaving to work in Saudi Arabia and I had to stop on the Snake Pass from Manchester to Sheffield in order to sob over the steering wheel. So upset I was, a farming type woman in a land rover stopped to ask if I was alright.

After work when I was driving up to the village last night at dusk, I spied a rainbow arcing gracefully 
Over from the south , the tip of which seemed to lightly Land on the top of the Gop.
Several people stopped their cars in order to take the obligatory photo.

from Going Gently

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