Divorce Kindness & Milky Peaks

 I heard on the radio this morning that people can now apply for a no fault divorce. 
I am pleased to hear this, I really am, for it brings a kindness into an often unkind situation .
This is a no blame blog today, it’s just a reflective one , so please respect my wishes in any of your comments…the last time I used the word kindness in a blog title the shit really hit the fan.
I was sited in my divorce as behaving unreasonably during the marriage 
I remember reading the words in that little box the reasons behind them with disbelief and shock.
I was stung by the unfairness and fallaciousness of it all.
I remember my dumpy Welsh solicitor supplying me with sweet coffee and tissues at the time and she kept saying “Ignore the words , they are not personal” and I understood just why they were used as there was no other get out clause for my husband to go use and because he wanted to end the marriage he had to say the appropriate words to get the divorce wheels in motion 

And on reflection this was unfair on both of us.
Terribly unfair.
The new law with its no blame culture is kinder all round 
And I celebrate and welcome it.

Anyway that was my reflection this morning.
Over coffee.

I rang HR with my request to drop my work hours today. The counselling course will be a return to things I know and use but it will be an updated and new way of learning for me as it’s more theoretical side will challenge my naturally lazy academic streak.
Cutting my hours clinically will give space for my counselling course without everything becoming too much. 
I’m not about to let go of my post lockdown freedoms now 
Not for anything

And so in the spirit of all that I’m meeting a friend shortly for a walk followed by brunch and tonight I’m meeting another friend to see Milky Peaks which is a gay musical which takes a side swipe at Welsh Nationalism and identity within a North Wales mountain town.

Like you do……..

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/btspaCm

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