What Day Is It?


After four 12 hour shifts I’m aching today and it’s taking me longer than usual to get going
It’s midday and I am still sat at the kitchen table after a walk, nursing a coffee and thinking of what to write.
It’s not quite a spring day yet, but I’ve opened the cottage windows wide to freshen the place.
I’m glad I have a jumper on.
I’ve got necessary paperwork to do but for the past hour have been watching YouTube videos and reading texts from my nephew who is excited at the prospect of having his first date very soon.

We have a new postman who mistakenly pushed the letters through the letterbox instead of the clearly labelled plastic box by the front door.
I could hear him swearing after Mary nipped his fingers.

The workmen who are titillating the monstrous new cottage behind me are blaring out Lady GaGa hits which I don’t mind much
Mrs Trellis left a Snickers bar on the kitchen wall wrapped in a red napkin.
She must have left it days ago as the napkin is sodden.

The daffodils have suddenly appeared onto of the field wall.
They had been planted there by Trendy Carol over a decade ago
And are mature and bunching up nicely

No choir tonight, four of the sopranos have covid 

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/Yw5WJHQ

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