Serendipity Number 5


I don’t make it any secret that sometimes I find full time work tiring. 
The work itself, isn’t a problem for me, but runs of 12 hour shifts are, and even though I need the money, I  also need to balance work, money and home.
Today I was informed by the hospice that the nursing staff are to be given a rise in pay. 
We are currently paid substantially less than equivalent grades in the NHS Trust and in a bid to attract and retain staff the hospice has addressed this deficit. 
My increase of pay is robust and will be  backdated and unexpectedly it will now be possible for me to reduce my hours and to work part time.

How fucking fantastic is that? 

I met a friend today for lunch and we talked about this new gift of serendipity as we walked on the beautiful West Shore in Llandudno.
This is the fifth financial “gift” I have received in the last few years and the extent of my good fortune is not lost on me. 
I am so pleased.
We celebrated with coffee and bagels and cake
And I treated myself to  a ceramic curlew from the Mostyn Gallery Shop

When I got home, I found out that the fourth piece of serendipity had finally reared it’s head too…. My tax free lump sum arrived in my bank account from my unremembered pension ….I can now afford my new bathroom !
And work can now commence

from Going Gently

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