
 I’m back to work tomorrow so today feels like that awful Sunday night knotty feeling you used to get the say before school.
The community Association put on a soup and roll lunch in aid of Ukrainian Refugees and in support the village school children had designed Ukrainian flags to stand on each table.
Polish Monika , the hall’s caretaker had made Borscht which was absolutely delicious as the obvious choice of soup to have, even the the Velvet Voiced Linda gave us a choice of six from the menu.
I sat with Affable Despot Jason’s father in law and we talked central heating and bara brith for a while.
Mrs Trellis sans her bobble hat was upset that the church was closing and village elders Ian, Nick and David seemed to be putting the worlds rights over tea and cake.
I gave Bron Haul Marion my raffle tickets and I wanted to get back to light the fire and to do jobs 
I’m working four long days in the next five

from Going Gently

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