“ Old Man”

 I’ve ventured down to Y Shed for one of their strong Americanos
The ones that blow yer tits off and and give you a zing
And I’ve taken the obligatory snapshot of my coffee cup to prove the fact.
I will have another one too, so I will be bordering of ADHD by the time I get home.

I’ve just had a row with two middle aged women joggers ( Quelle Surprise) but this time I was provoked ( again) 
They ran up behind me like two ninjas and surprised Dorothy who suddenly found herself in front of them before she and I realised and called her to heel. 
I called out “ I’m sorry” As Dorothy stopped and raised her head to say hello and one of the joggers, exasperated with the interruption yelled “ Oh God  GET OUT OF MY WAY “ as she waved her arms wildly
She has every right to be here as you do” I called out, irked that my original apology hadn’t registered 
And what only could be called a fishwives’ Bitch off ensued .

Fucking dog walkers lording the path” 
“ What if a child ran out in front of you?”
“ Dangerous Dogs should be on a lead”
“ She only has a brain the size of a soddin peanut!”
“I could have broken my ankle falling over her “
“ Nazi Jogger”
“ You Should have called out you were coming past, what am I ? Fucking psychic ?”

I think you get the gist

The other Lycra covered jogger then decided to Wade in and with her hands on her hips yelled a somewhat   Surprising and simple “ insult” of
OLD MAN ! “ which smarted somewhat
They jogged on
Another couple who had been walking behind me called out with a supportive “ Weren't they rude ? “ 
but of course they had a dog too, so they would wouldn’t they? 

It happens to me regularly” I admitted and had to laugh at myself 

I wonder why….

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/602qbjn

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