

I didn’t tell Nu until our third glass of white that our trip to see Romeo and Juliet was a sort of red letter day for me. 
It was my first physical visit there for over three years and the Opera House in all its shimmering red and gold upholstery and sky blue ceiling had been a very special place that my husband and I shared over the years. 
She listened with watery eyes of concern and we chinked glasses and laughed together
Acknowledging the past but not dwelling on it.
It remains a special place 
And always will be.

The Opera House Conservatory 

It’s Friday morning and already I’m on the 9.10 Glasgow train home 
After hours of talk yesterday, it’s nice to be reflective and quiet.
London feels back to normal now post covid. 
The tube was packed as was the very trendy No Mad Hotel bar on Bow Street which we sneaked for post ballet cocktails .
I’m back in London to see Nu in nine days time
We are off to see Cabaret

Hey ho

from Going Gently

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