

I spent the morning measuring the living room, stairs, landing and bedrooms. 
I’ve picked the carpet which will replace the existing one and the ancient bare floorboards in my bedroom will, at last be covered too , silencing the occasional middle-of-night tap dancing by the dogs. 
I know I will get a few lectures about how carpets are not very practical with dogs and a cat in the house, but I don’t really care. 
I like carpets.
I ordered a new washing machine on line then I’ve photographed the field as only today, I’ve finally decided not to renew the yearly lease and I want to prove to the land agents that it’s been left in good order.
End of an era I guess.
This afternoon, I finally tackled the living room cupboards and removed an old mismatched dinner service bought as a job lot at an auction many years ago. 
I’ve never really liked it and only kept it out of apathy
It’s of no quality and is well out of style so in a fit of devilment I spent a therapeutic twenty minutes smashing it to bits in the bin.
Mrs Trellis stopped just as I smashed an old tureen without it’s handle and Blue stood on his hind legs to look inside the wheelie bin at the bits.
“ Looks like fun” she commented, her eyes twinkling 
I offered her a soup bowl to throw but she declined it.
She was wearing her overly erect bobble hat

This afternoon , I cleaned the soot out of the cupboards and refilled them with books and jugs, cups and glasses. 
Very satisfying

from Going Gently

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