

It’s cold this morning, very cold.
Overnight even Albert tiptoed on my bed in order to secrete himself next to a warm Mary, a move the elicited a jealous growl from Dorothy which was loud enough to wake me up.
A sharp tap on the Bonce was all that she needed to be silenced and peace was restored.
All three were still in bed when I woke, cuddled up in a knot of paws and legs and tails.
And all three didn’t want to move when I called them 
I needed to get up earlier today, as it’s Bluebell’s service.

I’m just grabbing a quick coffee now , in order to think about my day. 
Apart from Bluebell I’ve nothing sorted until 5 pm when I’m meeting a friend to see Belfast.
Im not a huge fan of Ken Branagh ever since he did the dirty on Emma Thompson ( who is a goddess in my eyes ) 
I still love her feisty Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing who replies to Don Pedro’s comment that she has a merry heart
Yea, my lord, I thank it, poor fool as it keeps on the windy side of care “
A great line in a so so film

Anyhow the field gate is open. I wonder if there is a funeral today. It’s not mine anymore so I’m not privy with such news.
It’s a cold day to be standing in the graveyard

from Going Gently

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