
Did you know this? Of all the many books published in the nineteenth century, the biggest bestseller after "The Bible" was "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, it sold well in America and even better over here in Great Britain. I don't think our literate ancestors read it because it housed an entertaining story but rather because it removed the veil that had previously kept hard truths about slavery shrouded in mystery.

It took me far too long to read it but towards the end I cantered along and finished the book in the early hours of New Year's Eve. I am so glad  that I took up the personal challenge of reading "Uncle Tom's Cabin". It was revelatory - not just in terms of shining a spotlight on some of the horrors of slavery in America's Deep South but also in the way it observes religious belief and the social mores of the mid-nineteenth century.


from Yorkshire Pudding

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